Crear marca en los medios de comunicación: El poder de la publicidad para los abogados

Podcast Más allá del bar: Branding yourself in the media: El poder de la publicidad para los abogados

In the third episode of our legal podcast Más allá del bar, Gabriel Sepulveda-Sanchez talks with Jay Jones, talent agent, executive producer, and President and CEO of Alwayson PR, Inc. These two Syracuse alumni discuss how lawyers can build their PR and media marketing.

PR is an important area of business development that many lawyers overlook. What does it take to get media spots as an attorney? How can you strengthen your public relations?

In this episode, Jay and Gabriel talk about the benefits of media appearances for lawyers and how to track your media progress in Excel, find your audience, and get your foot in the door.

Meet Your Audience Where They Are

One of the most important parts of making media appearances is connecting with your audience. That means knowing who they are and catering to their interests. You must also bring passionate energy to your media appearances – Jay calls this the “sizzle.”

If you’re on a national network like Fox or CNN, your audience will be different than what you might get on local stations like Fox 5 D.C. The same goes for crime shows or Court TV. So you must anticipate the audience you’re facing and match your energy to them.

Why Is PR/Media So Important for Lawyers?

Public relations is one part of the whole marketing picture for lawyers, but many law firms overlook this resource for business development and outreach.

What’s the value of being on TV and other media channels?

It’s hard to quantify the value of public relations in the media. For attorneys, the value doesn’t necessarily come from someone seeing your appearance on TV and thinking they’re going to hire you. Instead, you might get referred by a friend or family member who’s familiar with you from TV. So when someone needs a lawyer, you’re the first person they think about.

Media is also exciting! It’s a different way to reach your audience and connect with people.

For Gabriel, one of the best things he did for his law firm’s marketing strategy was getting on TV. It’s not only been beneficial for the firm but also something he really enjoys.

How to Get to the Big Leagues in Media

The most coveted media appearances are on national broadcast networks like CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. Above all else, these networks want dependability.

Networks also want diversity, passion, good energy, and solid credentials. That means you’ve got to work on your social media, as producers pay a lot of attention to your online presence.

In this episode of the podcast, Jay talks about the importance of just going for it, even if you have to start small. Be consistent and strategize the media appearances you pick.

Learn more about PR for lawyers – click here to listen to the podcast now.