Stockton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling way to get around, but it can also be much more dangerous than driving a typical passenger car. This is especially true when other motorists break traffic laws or fail to give you enough space on the road.

Regardless of what led to your motorbike wreck, you could benefit from speaking with a seasoned personal injury attorney. A Stockton motorcycle accident lawyer could help you determine whether you have grounds for civil litigation. Additionally, our legal team could work with you to seek restitution from the other party.

The Severity of Motorbike Crashes

Even in the best-case scenario, a motorcycle collision or near-miss with another vehicle could lead to ligament strains, lacerations, bone fractures, road rash, and other severe injuries. It could take weeks or months to recover from these types of injuries, making both work and home life difficult.

Some motorbike wrecks can cause permanent injuries, such as brain, neck, spine, or organ damage that fundamentally alters the course of your life. Because motorcycle accidents often cause severe, long-term injuries, it is best to talk to a skilled attorney in the area before filing a lawsuit.

What Compensation Could an Injured Motorcyclist Recover?

If you can prove another party was responsible for your accident and subsequent injuries, you could hold them financially responsible for your past and future damages. Short-term losses often include medical expenses, wage losses, auto repair bills, and physical pain.

Civil compensation could also cover long-term damages, such as disability, disfigurement, loss of consortium, lost earning capacity, and lost enjoyment of life. A diligent lawyer could help you calculate all your current and future damages stemming from a motorcycle crash.

Comparative Fault Laws in Stockton

If another driver acted recklessly, causing your accident, they could bear legal responsibility for your damages. Traffic violations, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and failing to yield are common acts of negligence in motorcycle collision cases.

However, it is important to note that the other party may claim you were also negligent. Under the pure comparative fault system, any percentage of fault assigned to a civil plaintiff may result in a proportional reduction in their compensation.

For example, if you are found 25 percent at fault for your injuries, you could recover only 75 percent of your total damages award. This rule applies even if you were more than 50 percent responsible for the accident. A dedicated could help you argue against accusations of partial fault for a motorcycle wreck.

A Stockton Motorcycle Accident Attorney Could Help

Motorcycle crashes cause millions of dollars in damages to California residents every year. Many of these accidents are the result of a negligent driver’s misconduct. If a reckless driver harmed you in an accident, a conversation with legal counsel could be vital to protecting your legal rights and obtaining financial compensation.

Once retained, a seasoned Stockton motorcycle accident lawyer could help you navigate every stage of your civil proceedings. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.