Stockton Farm and Agricultural Accident Lawyers

Farming and other agricultural activities have been the centerpiece of Stockton’s economy for over one hundred years. While most of the country relies on the area’s food to feed their families, agriculture remains a dangerous profession and lifestyle. As a result, injuries on farms or at other similar locations are common.

Thankfully, in most cases, people who suffer injuries while visiting farms can usually seek financial compensation for their losses, especially when working with an experienced personal injury attorney. This compensation could include repayments for medical care, lost wages, and reduced quality of daily life. If you need immediate assistance, a Stockton farm and agricultural accident lawyer is prepared to listen to your case and build powerful demands for compensation against the negligent party.

Typical Examples of Farm and Agricultural Accidents

The farm can be a dangerous place. Whether a person owns their own land or is an employee working as a farmhand, any unexpected incident could leave them with serious injuries. There are countless ways that something could go wrong, but common examples of accidents that happen on farmland include:

  • Tractor accidents, such as rollovers
  • Motor vehicle collisions on private property
  • Incidents caused by dangerous or defective farm equipment
  • Mishaps caused by the carelessness or recklessness of other employees.

Even non-workers might suffer the consequences of these events. For example, a child observing agricultural work could be hurt by a farm car, tractor, or other piece of machinery. Thankfully, if you need help figuring out what caused your farm accident, a Stockton attorney could assess your case, compile evidence of another party’s negligence, and factor this information into your civil claim.

Potential Compensation After a Farm Injury

All victims of personal injuries deserve the compensation needed to make them whole again. Agricultural incidents are no exception to this rule. Fortunately, civil claims usually entitle anyone involved in a farm accident to pursue monetary damages that reimburse them for all of their losses.

After submitting a carefully constructed farm injury claim, you can usually collect financial compensation for medical bills, past and future physical therapy, reduced quality of daily life, lost wages at work, and other more unique setbacks.

However, it is important to recognize that state law establishes a strict time limit for your case. In most situations, the California Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1 explains that you need to file your claim within two years of the date of the incident. However, this time limit may extend under special circumstances. This statute of limitations can be frustrating when you need time and space to recover from an accident on an agricultural site, but a proactive Stockton lawyer could help you respect this deadline and maximize the monetary damages you collect.

Contact a Stockton Farm and Agricultural Accident Attorney Today

Unfortunately, injuries caused by motor vehicles, farm equipment, or general carelessness are common on local agricultural properties. If you were hurt while working or visiting a farm, you deserve the compensation that you need to set things right.

A Stockton farm and agricultural accident lawyer may be able to help you to collect these repayments. One of our hardworking legal team members could evaluate your legal rights as a plaintiff, investigate the cause of the incident, measure your losses, and demand that insurance companies and at-fault defendants pay their fair share. Give them a call now to get started.