Stockton Premises Liability Lawyers

You have the right to expect safety and reasonable care when you enter someone else’s property. When you are injured on someone else’s land, you have to deal with the property owner’s insurance company, making it crucial to get in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney right away. Insurance companies will try to get you to admit fault for your injuries. If they succeed, filing a claim for damages will be difficult.

If you were hurt while on someone else’s property, contact a Stockton premises liability lawyer as soon as possible to review and discuss the details of your accident and injuries to determine how to best recover your losses.

Identifying the Liable Party in Stockton Dangerous Property Cases

Premises liability is the area of civil law that deals with the negligent owners of dangerous properties. Property owners, managers, and landholders have a responsibility to ensure their premises are safe for all visitors. When they neglect to do so, and another person suffers an injury because as a result, the owner may be found liable for the victim’s damages.

Premises liability claims can be difficult to establish, making it essential to work with a local attorney when filing a hazardous property case. Experienced lawyers could pursue the maximum compensation on your behalf by investigating the scene of the accident, interviewing potential witnesses, assessing the location, and anything else necessary to prove the property owner’s guilt.

Important Factors in a Premises Liability Claim

You may file a premises liability claim after suffering injuries on someone else’s land as long as you can prove that dangerous conditions on the property caused your accident. Most of the time, property owners and insurance companies will try to place blame solely on the harmed person. For a better chance of obtaining a favorable case outcome, let a hazardous property attorney in Stockton work with you to investigate and prove negligence by demonstrating that the property owner either knew or should have known of the dangerous conditions on their premises.

Property Owners’ Duty of Care

California Civil Code §1714 (a) states that every person who does not adequately upkeep the property they own or manage or handle its regular maintenance is responsible if a visitor or patron suffers an injury.

In most Stockton dangerous premises cases, it is necessary to prove four elements to collect damages from a negligent property owner:

  • The property owner/manager owed you a duty of care
  • The property owner/manager was negligent and failed to meet that duty
  • That negligence and lack of property upkeep was a substantial factor in causing your injury
  • The otherwise avoidable injuries caused you to suffer compensable damages

Schedule a Meeting with a Stockton Premises Liability Attorney Today

If you suffered an injury because of a property owner’s carelessness, they could be liable for your current and future medical bills and expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. Reach out to a Stockton premises liability lawyer to review your case and discuss your options.